Calminax Reviews

12 Reviews for Calminax

Zachariah Rosales – 48 years old

“I’ve been using Calminax for about 6 months, and thought is it doing OK, but not great. I recently ran out, and was unable to get a new supply immediately. Within a week, there was a dramatic increase in the volume of the ringing. I returned to the product as per its instructions, and have a much better appreciation of its effects. I couldn’t believe how much it had helped.”

Trevor Summers – 53 years old

“It’s only been two and a half weeks since I started taking Calminax for tinnitus which had gotten quite severe in the past month. The ringing hasn’t completely stopped but it is significantly less. I’ve also been getting more sleep and have reduced my stress which I believe is helping with the tinnitus.”

Elvira Ford – 50 years old

“I ordered 2 boxes for my husband who has suffered with tinnitus for several years and after a month of taking ring relief he says that the ”volume” has decreased and the sound he hears is shifting not stagnant as it was in the past – the ringing sensation is still there – but more bareable now.”

Wilfred Duffy – 49 years old

“I decided this product lessen the ringing but not enough to warrant the cost – so I stopped using it. Big mistake – the ringing came back and it was bad. Sooooo, it does work in reducing the noise but it will never go away completely. I’ll take the reduction in noise over the 100% noise I had – it was so bad last night I couldn’t sleep! I am ordering more and plan to never stop using it again.”

Ernie Hodges – 48 years old

“I’ve had ringing in my ears for a few years, but recently, it got much worse. I went to an ear, nose and throat guy, and he said my ears were clear of wax, and he couldn’t see a problem. I started taking Calminax after about a week of the worsened condition, and things started to improved!”

Rena Montgomery – 49 years old

“We have been so happy with this product, as my husband’s ear-ringing has been driving him crazy and this product relieved it quite a bit. It doesn’t go away completely, but it’s noticably better while using.”

Bradley Freeman– 43 years old

“I developed tinnitis about a month ago. I find this supplement seems to abate the symptoms. I have only taken it a month, but at times, the ringing seems to disappear. I think it is working and will keep on using it.”

Marcella Merritt – 56 years old

“I ordered this product on a whim, talked my husband into taking it and within a few days he said “I can’t believe it! The ringing in my ears is now down to a small noise.”

Danielle Powell – 37 years old

“This seems like a good product – the ringing in my ears is a reduced…but it takes about 3 months to reach maximum benefit.”

Thaddeus Barker – 38 years old

“My mom is taking this medicine. Her said ” It’s good for relieve my ear’s ringing.” I will to buy this medicine for my mom for at least 1 year.”

Nathan Flowers – 44 years old

“Medical text says there is nothing you can do for ringing in the ears, but Calminax has greatly reduced the problem for me. Been using for over a year, works very well.”

Florian Saenz – 36 years old

“Calminax is an excellent product for tinnitus. It really works- highly recommend this product!”

Find the best product for your ear problems:



Ear Disorders

Tinnitus: Causes and Symptoms

The word tinnitus tends to scare people. It is difficult for sufferers to describe this phenomenon precisely: a sort of strange parasitic noise in the ear, somewhere between a hissing and buzzing sound, which is sometimes very unpleasant. Very often, its symptoms fortunately stop over time, but it is better to have some information on the subject. Find out here what causes it, how to prevent it from happening and how it might affect your everyday life.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a disturbing noise directly in your ear. Tinnitus can manifest itself as a chirping, screeching or buzzing noise that can vary in intensity. It is not a disease, but a symptom of another health problem. There are many ways to prevent or treat tinnitus, for example with the help of white noise.

While some tinnitus can last for months or even a lifetime, others disappear as quickly as they appeared. There are 3 different types of tinnitus:

  • Acute tinnitus lasting on average 3 months
  • Subacute tinnitus lasting from 3 to 12 months
  • Chronic tinnitus when it lasts more than a year

Tinnitus’ categories

This depends on the type of tinnitus. Whether the tinnitus is pulsatile or not, we tend to classify them into two broad categories, the second of which refers to tinnitus that is much more difficult to experience than the first.

  • Compensated tinnitus: compensated tinnitus is a buzzing sound inside the ear that is not very noticeable, as if it were distant or masked.
  • Decompensated tinnitus: more pronounced in its intensity, this type of tinnitus can cause real anguish if it is experienced over a long period of time. People who suffer from it are often afraid that it will get worse and this phenomenon tends to cut them off from their loved ones. Another result is what is known as hyperacusis, i.e. increased sensitivity to other everyday noises around them.

How long does Tinnitus last

While some tinnitus can last for months or even a lifetime, others disappear as quickly as they appeared. There are 3 different types of tinnitus:

  • Acute tinnitus lasting on average 3 months;
  • Subacute tinnitus lasting from 3 to 12 months;
  • Chronic tinnitus when it lasts more than a year.

Tinnitus Causes

Although it is impossible for a health professional to measure this phenomenon during a hearing test and its origins can be multiple, there are two main families:

Subjective Tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus is the term used for tinnitus that is not caused by external sound stimulation, which makes it more difficult to identify the triggering factors. Subjective tinnitus can therefore be caused by different parts of your ear, but also by your nerves or your brain. This type of tinnitus can also occur after a blockage in your ear canal (e.g. earwax plug).

  • It can be caused by a sound trauma, but also by a hearing impairment or so-called presbycusis, i.e. a progressive neuro-sensory loss of hearing. According to some scientists, damage to the inner ear may result in the transmission of sound to the brain being interrupted and the brain itself creating sound to compensate. This results in the patient feeling that he or she can hear a sound in one ear while being deaf.
  • In the middle ear, damage to the eardrum or inflammation could also be a factor.
  • Brain dysfunction caused by meningitis or tumours can also lead to tinnitus, and even if the auditory nerve is severed, the tinnitus persists.
  • Finally, tinnitus can be caused by psychological causes.
Objective Tinnitus

This term is used for tinnitus that is related to another disease identified as Meniere’s disease. This is characterised by dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and progressive hearing loss. This objective tinnitus is usually located in the inner ear. Unlike subjective tinnitus, it can be measured by an ENT doctor using special equipment and then treated or operated on.

  • Vasoconstriction (i.e. reduction in the diameter of blood vessels) of the inner ear usually causes a noise that follows the rhythm of your pulse.
  • Muscle cramps cause the patient to hear a rattling sound.
  • Obstruction of the eustachian tube (small duct from the ear to the nasal cavity) also often causes tinnitus.
  • Problems with the temporomandibular (jaw) joint can cause grinding or crushing noises.

Tinnitus Triggers

There are many potential triggers for tinnitus. Illness, stress or other factors are all possible. That is why it is essential to determine the cause in order to adopt the right treatment. A hearing aid can help.


Working too hard or having a painful experience can cause tinnitus, which is often one of the first S.O.S your body sends.


Some drugs can have the undesirable effect of causing tinnitus, in particular those used to combat rheumatism, pain and depression, but also more targeted drugs against malaria or hypertension (e.g. ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers).

Noise pollution

Too much exposure to noise can cause tinnitus. Hearing protection is therefore strongly recommended when working in the construction industry or in a discotheque.


For a person suffering from tinnitus, it is strongly recommended to watch his diet. Salt and spices in excessive quantities can indeed amplify the interfering noises felt. Although there is no proof, scientists are also looking at glutamate.

Alcohol, drugs, nicotine and caffeine

All of these can cause tinnitus.


As you can see, there are many potential causes of tinnitus and they can be very different. Knowing the source of the problem is therefore crucial if you want to be able to benefit from a suitable treatment. Among the solutions that can be recommended by a health professional are hearing aids, the different types of which we detail for you here.

Try Calminax to get rid of Tinnitus: Calminax.

Calminax Reviews

Calminax: The Reviews

Alicia Waller – 44 years old

“Have tried a lot of different products for the ringing in my ears and this one by far works the best for me. The improvement I am having is wonderful, not perfect. My concern of ringing in the ears is less and that is a major benefit and relief.”

Cure your ear problems now: Calminax

Shawn Gentry – 60 years old

“I would highly recommend this supplement for those suffering with ringing in the ears, and I already have!! There is great quality homeopathy ingredients in a bottle. There is no strange taste and I am not bothered at all when taking these capsules. Love the bright read package.”

Tod Marks – 49 years old

“I am happy with Calminax since it has given me relief with the ringing in my right ear. So I feel I get improvements with my health with this quality of ingredients. I have already recommended this product to a couple others who experience ringing.”

Elisabeth Conrad – 61 years old

“So far my husband like this, he was taking another but ran out so he asked me to purchase this one. I think if he gives another week or so then he’ll know how much better or not this one does. the packaging is as always great and instructions are easy.”

Antoine Mcbride – 39 years old

“Using Calminax consistently for the last 3 months and listening to music through head phones for a few hours every day has reduced the need for my husband to have a fan going every night to get to sleep otherwise the tinnitus wakes him up. In general most days the tinnitus is not as bad either.”

Giuseppe Anthony – 54 years old

“This is the only product that we have found that seems to help with tinnitus. We have tried others but so far helps some.”

Frederic Hodges – 58 years old

“This homeopathic formulation when taken with other essential nutrients can help ringing in the ears. Vit C, B3 (Niacin), Vit E, Q10, Magnesium.”

Lelia Ford – 47 years old

“Calminax is an excellent product. I used it . It has helped a lot in reducing the rigging in my ear even better than many medicine I have taken before using this product.”

Petra Mcknight – 41 years old

“Having noise in ears is a very complicated medical situation. This product is a good as it works for myself and many of my friends, some of them had spent a fortune with specialists without improvements.”

German Schmit – 67 years old

“I have been taking Calminax for a number of years now. You may have to take 2-3 bottles as prescribed as I did before getting results. It has greatly improved my hearing! When I don’t take it for awhile I can tell.”

Alta Fuentes – 29 years old

“I bought these for my husband who has ringing in his ears as a result of a head injury from a car accident. I researched products on the Internet and came across Calminax and bought him 3 bottles to try over a course of several weeks to see if they would help – they DID! He won’t be without them now.”

Patrick Fuller – 46 years old

“The past few months I have had what sounds like breathing in my ear at the speed of my pulse when I lay down to sleep: Pretty annoying when you’re trying to go to sleep. I’ve been taking Calminax for about two weeks. I’m starting to notice a good change.”

Teresa Marriot – 62 years old

“I have been taking Calminax a few years now. Now and then I wonder if it helps. All I have to do is to quit taking it for a while and I know. It doesn’t stop it entirely, but it takes the edge off. When I first took it, it took perhaps a month to take effect. I would hate to live without it.”


Ear Disorders

Which people are most at risk of developing Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be described as a buzzing, ringing, humming, hissing or chirping sound and can be variable and complex. Objective tinnitus is typically pulsatile (synchronous with the heartbeat) or intermittent. Tinnitus is best perceived in a quiet environment and in the absence of competing stimuli, and thus often seems worse at bedtime.

What you need to know about Calminax

Tinnitus can be intermittent or continuous. Continuous tinnitus is at best annoying and often very distressing. Some patients adapt better to its presence than others; depression can sometimes result. Stress usually makes tinnitus worse.

Tinnitus’ risk factors

There are many risk factors for tinnitus: excessive exposure to noise, physical activity, use of certain medications, stress…

  • Excessive exposure to noise
    The inner ear is lined with several thousand hearing cells. These cells are fragile and, once destroyed, cannot regenerate. These cells are equipped with vibratory cilia, whose function is to transmit sound vibration. When loud sounds are perceived by the ear, these cilia lower and then straighten after a while. However, regular exposure to too many decibels (dB) eventually leads to permanent damage to the hearing cells and their vibrating cilia. It can also happen that a single exposure to a particularly violent sound (e.g. the detonation of a rifle or a firecracker) close to the ear causes irreversible damage to the hearing cells. This causes permanent hearing damage and can therefore lead to tinnitus.
  • Physical activity
    Physical activity and head movements increase pulsatile tinnitus.
  • Use of certain medications
    When taken for a long time, certain medications can cause tinnitus. These include: high doses of acetylsalicylic acid, anti-malarials such as quinine, some diuretics such as furosemide, various chemotherapy drugs and some antibiotics.

Note: resistance to the adverse effects of noise and drugs varies greatly from person to person.

  • Stress
    Stress is not a risk factor for tinnitus, but it can increase the perception of tinnitus and thus worsen its impact on quality of life.

People at risk of Tinnitus

  • Elderly people: ageing often causes a deterioration of the hearing mechanisms, which can lead to the appearance of tinnitus;
  • Men: they are more affected than women by this type of symptom;
  • People exposed to noise:
    • people working in an industrial environment;
    • truck drivers and all those whose profession requires them to use a car frequently;
    • car mechanics;
    • construction workers;
    • soldiers in conflict zones;
    • musicians;
    • residents of densely populated cities;
    • people who regularly go to discos, nightclubs, concert halls and raves, or who listen to music at high volume with their walkman or MP3 player.

How to prevent Tinnitus?

Beware of noise

Avoid unnecessary and frequent exposure to very high or even moderately high noise levels. If necessary, use earplugs, ear muffs or foam earplugs, whether at work, on a plane, during a rock concert, when using noisy tools, etc.

Beware of certain medications

Avoid taking high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen for long periods. See above for a partial list of drugs that are potentially toxic to the ears. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist or doctor.

Identify aggravating factors

Alcohol, caffeine or smoking increase tinnitus in some people. Very sweet foods or drinks containing small amounts of quinine can have this effect on other individuals. These aggravating factors vary from person to person.

Reducing and managing stress

Practising relaxation, meditation, yoga, physical activity, etc., can reduce stress and anxiety, which are both consequences and aggravators of tinnitus.

Avoiding absolute silence in the case of hyperacusis

When suffering from this intolerance to loud noises, it is best not to seek silence at all costs or wear earplugs, as this can make the auditory system even more sensitive, thus lowering the discomfort threshold.

Taking Food Supplement

Everyone who may suffer from Tinnitus should learn about Calminax and take it as a preventive or curative measure: Calminax Food Supplement.

Ear Disorders

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a “disturbing” noise that a person hears without it actually existing.

All about Tinnitus

They can be whistling, buzzing or clicking noises, for example. It can be heard in one or both ears, but it can also seem to be present inside the head, either in the front or the back. Tinnitus can be occasional, intermittent or continuous. It results from a dysfunction of the auditory nervous system. It is a symptom that can have many causes.

Temporary tinnitus can occur after exposure to very loud music, for example. It usually resolves without intervention.

This sheet focuses on chronic tinnitus, i.e. tinnitus that persists and can become extremely annoying to sufferers. However, in the vast majority of cases, tinnitus does not have a significant impact on quality of life.

Symptoms of tinnitus

There is a long list of types of noise heard by people with tinnitus. It seems that the most frequently mentioned noise is whistling, but patients also name the following sounds:

  • pulsing ;
  • clicking;
  • buzzing; ;
  • hissing;
  • tinkling sounds;
  • humming; buzzing;
  • rustling ;

Depending on the cause, tinnitus may be accompanied by hearing loss, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, pain or a persistent feeling of having a plug in the ears.

Many sufferers also experience intolerance to loud noises or have loud or painful perception of sounds perceived as normal or soft by healthy people. This condition is called hyperacusis.

Tinnitus is usually less annoying during the day because it is “masked” by other noises in the workplace or home. However, it is more noticeable in the evening and can cause sleep disturbances for many people.

The different types of Tinnitus

There are 2 main categories of tinnitus.

  • Objective tinnitus
    Some of these can be heard by the doctor or specialist consulted, as they are caused by disorders that, for example, make the blood flow more audible. They can also sometimes be manifested by repeated “clicks”, sometimes related to abnormal movements of the ear muscles, which can be heard by those around. They are rare, but usually the cause can be identified and the patient can be intervened and treated.
  • Subjective tinnitus
    Subjective tinnitus is when the sound is audible only to the person affected. This is the most common form of tinnitus, accounting for 95% of cases. The causes and physiological symptoms of subjective tinnitus are not yet well understood and are therefore much more difficult to treat than objective tinnitus. However, it is possible to improve the patient’s tolerance to these internal noises.

The intensity of tinnitus varies from person to person. Some people have little tinnitus and do not seek help. Others hear noises all the time, which can affect their quality of life.

Note: if voices or music are heard, this is another disorder, called auditory hallucination.

Prevalence of Tinnitus

In general, it is estimated that 10% to 18% of the population suffers from tinnitus. The proportion is 30% in adults. Between 1% and 2% of the population is severely affected.

The widespread use of personal stereos and MP3 players among young people leads to fears that the prevalence will increase in the medium term.

Causes of Tinnitus

Hearing tinnitus is not a disease in itself. Rather, it is a symptom that is very often linked to hearing loss. One hypothesis is that it is a “phantom signal” generated by the brain in response to damage to the cells of the inner ear. Another hypothesis is that the central auditory system is dysfunctional. Genetic factors may be involved in some cases.

The most common factors associated with the onset of tinnitus are:

  • in adults, excessive exposure to noise;
  • in older people, hearing loss due to ageing.

Other possible causes include:

  • an injury to the head (such as a head injury) or neck (whiplash, etc.);
  • long-term use of certain medications that can damage the cells of the inner ear (see Risk factors section);
  • spasm of a small muscle in the inner ear (stapedial muscle);
  • blockage of the ear canal by an earwax plug.

Some diseases can also cause tinnitus:

  • Otosclerosis, a disease that reduces the mobility of a small bone in the middle ear (the stapes) and can cause progressive deafness (see diagram);
  • Meniere’s disease and sometimes Paget’s disease;
  • ear or sinus infections (e.g. recurrent ear infections);
  • a tumour in the head, neck or on the auditory nerve;
  • misalignment of the temporomandibular joint (which allows jaw movement);
  • diseases affecting the blood vessels; these can cause so-called pulsatile tinnitus (about 3% of cases).

These diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension or abnormalities of the capillaries, carotid artery or jugular vein, can make the blood flow more audible. This tinnitus is of the objective type: objective non-pulsatile tinnitus may be caused by an abnormality of the eustachian tube, by neurological disorders or by abnormal contractions of the muscles of the throat or middle ear.

Course and possible complications

Some tinnitus occurs very gradually: before becoming permanent, it is heard intermittently and only in quiet places. Others appear suddenly, following a particular event, such as a sound trauma.

Tinnitus is not dangerous, but when it is intense and continuous, it can become very disturbing. In addition to causing insomnia, irritability and concentration problems, it is sometimes associated with depression.

Tinnitus Treatments

Treatment of the condition can reduce the tinnitus. Correcting the hearing loss (e.g. with a hearing aid) relieves tinnitus in up to 50% of patients.

Stress and other psychological factors (e.g. depression) can exacerbate symptoms, so efforts to recognise and treat these factors can lead to improvement. Many patients are reassured that their tinnitus is not a serious medical problem. Tinnitus can also be made worse by caffeine and other stimulants, so patients should try to stop taking these substances.

Food supplements such as Calminax can be a great help in the healing process without any side effects: Calminax Review.

Although no specific medical or surgical treatment is available, many patients are relieved by background noise that masks the tinnitus and allows them to fall asleep. Some patients benefit from a tinnitus masker, a device worn as an external hearing aid that emits a low tone that can suppress the tinnitus. Guided habituation tinnitus treatment, offered by specialised tinnitus treatment programmes, is useful for some patients. Electrical stimulation of the inner ear, e.g. by a cochlear implant, can reduce tinnitus but is only indicated in cases of profound deafness.

You can buy Calminax here: Calminax Original.


Calminax Reviews

Some Customer’s Reviews for Calminax

Jon Moreno – 39 years old

“I have been taking Calminax for a number of years now. You may have to take 2-3 bottles as prescribed as I did before getting results. It has greatly improved my hearing! When I don’t take it for awhile I can tell.”

Elva Figueroa – 54 years old

“This is my 3rd bottle and I do feel so much improvement especially the ringing noise in my left ear. Will continue to purchase.”

Jed Knapp – 62 years old

“Noticed a significant improvement and health in my ears, better flow and circulation, enhanced and clearer hearing, a very good ear support supplement, excellent, high quality and good scent, very effective and great value!, benefit ears/hearing health! satisfied and recommending! excellent. thanks.”

Dominic Cabrera – 41 years old

“Easy to swallow. Have been taking Calminax for two weeks, seems to have helped a small amount with my tinnitus.”

Find how to cure your ear problems: Calminax

Dustin Ramirez – 53 years old

“Started working almost immediately. effective. am taking 3 per day spread throughout the day. easy to swallow.”

Seth Bailey – 48 years old

“I have just started using Calminax formula together with the ear ringing remedy drops and geating great results. I am so glad I bought this product, it helps me a lot and I recommend it.”

Thaddeus Holder – 29 years old

“This supplement has proven to reduce the ringing from my tinnitus. So I keep using it.”

Edmundo Hartman – 57 years old

“I have migraines that cause intense tinnitus that is almost maddening, and at times so badly I feel like I could pass out. This stuff works! It took about 1.5 – 2 mos of usage to notice the difference, but it does. It doesn’t eliminate the ringing for me, but it has brought it down to where I am sometimes without ringing, and when it is happening, it is bearable and less intense than before.”

Gerry Powers – 47 years old

“If I do not take three pills in the morning the ringing in my ears will get worse and I become unable to function for the rest of the day.”

Delmar Baxter – 61 years old

“I have had severe ear ringing until I started taking Calminax pills. I take two 3 times a day and the ringing has stopped. You must take for several weeks depending on how severe your ear ringing is but they do work.”


Calminax Reviews

Calminax Customer Reviews

Javier Lopez – 47 years old

“Calminax worked in 1 month. Previously, I could only hear with difficulty. Now there are no complaints. It is a great feeling to have made a clear choice after trying dozens of different drugs. I also saved a lot of money by purchasing the tool at a low price.”

Milan De la Cruz – 36 years old

“During sports competitions, I severely injured my head, my hearing did not recover even after six months. Then I bought Calminax and received treatment. The impression was that some kind of blockage was removed, which was inside the ears, and did not allow to hear fully. Now health is good, thanks to the drug.”

Paula Hess – 50 years old

“The Calminax pills are exactly what the doctor told me – effective, easy to use. I liked the drug, because my hearing really returned to me after only 1 month. I recommend this remedy as a quality treatment option.”

Marcos Burnett – 63 years old

“After taking for 3 months, it did improve my hearing and i can sleep better. This supplement is rich in vitamin B12 & Magnesium which i think is good for people over 60 who can not absorb them through daily food.”

Dudley Hood – 28 years old

“Highly recommended! I’ve bought this for my mum and after 1 week of taking these pills she felt improvement in hearing! It has a great composition of vitamins and plants so this supplement is sure worth taking and having it in your diet.”

Dallas Mercado – 35 years old

“I bought this for my mom, and she took it just a few days, and I am buying the product again now. I hope it will help my mom’s hearing problem. I will give it a thumb up!”

Cristopher Fitzgerald – 52 years old

“Received the Calminax bottles within a week in good quality. The pills does not taste terrible and the size is easily to consume. Just completed 1 bottle but I’m experiencing an improvement. Took 2 pills twice daily and will continue to do with the next bottle.”

John Taylor – 64 years old

“After taking this product for 2 weeks, it stabilize and reduced my left ear fluctuating muffled hearing. Hope this continues to control my hearing problem.”

Jay Armstrong – 57 years old

“It’s true that you can recover your hearing with this capsules. Also note that many sounds will not be so disturbing. Also taking this for hearing health, reduced tinnitus.”

Vicky Arellano – 64 years old

“I have moderate hearing loss, and Calminax has definitely helped me hear better. You start out taking 2 easy-to-swallow capsules twice a day for the first month, and then go down to one capsule twice a day. Definitely worth the money!”

Lucius Baker – 71 years old

“I am very hard of hearing and I have taken three bottles of Calminax and I believe it is helping, I will keep taking it for a couple more months and by then I should know more. It has helped with sounds and I hope it will make voices more clear.”

Sidney Choi – 48 years old

“This products does not stop tinnitus, don’t know of any product that will, but it does help tone it down some and does seem to help me hear better. When I run out of product I can tell the difference.”

Find out here about the solution fo your ear problems:



Ear Disorders

What are the main Hearing diseases and disorders?

The human ear and hearing are fragile and prone to developing various conditions other than hearing loss. Some are incurable, others can be cured or corrected.

Hearing disorders

Many hearing disorders can be frustrating or even painful. These disorders can mask serious diseases that need to be treated quickly. Here is a list of the most common hearing diseases that affect the inner and outer ears, their causes and treatments.


Tinnitus can be described as ringing, whistling or pulsating sounds that can be heard in either one or both of the ears. A hearing professional can treat these noises.

Permanent tinnitus is a permanent whistling or buzzing noise heard only by the patient. It usually occurs as a result of an acute sound trauma or accompanies presbycusis.

There is no cure for this condition. There are, however, solutions to relieve tinnitus, such as hearing aids and relaxation therapy.

Find out about good Tinnitus’s treatment: What you need to know about Calminax


Presbycusis refers to the natural wear and tear of the ear, which causes gradual loss in hearing. A hearing aid can improve speech comprehension and slow down the progression of presbycusis.

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease is a condition that causes a gradual decline in hearing. A hearing aid can improve speech comprehension and slow down the progression of presbycusis.

Hearing loss or Hyperacusis

Hyperacusis is a disorder of the auditory system that lowers the threshold of tolerance to sound. It is a loss of hearing. Depending on the intensity, this hypersensitivity can be more or less important or even painful. It can occur suddenly following a sound or psychological trauma, but also following other medical events (head trauma, surgery, facial paralysis ….).

To date, there is no treatment for hyperacusis. However, there are some approaches that can help relieve the symptoms or even reduce the intensity of the symptoms. For example: CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), gradual desensitisation therapy, sophrology or hearing aids.


Otitis, which is inflammation of the inner ear, is a condition that affects infants and young children in particular. To avoid complications, this condition needs to be treated quickly and appropriately.

It can affect different levels of the ear:

  • Otitis externa such as swimmer’s ear which results in pain and inflammation of the external ear canal;
  • Otitis media, which can be both transient acute otitis media and persistent otitis media (with serous otitis and fluid discharge);
  • Internal otitis (labyrinthitis) which is a consequence of poorly treated otitis media or trauma.

Otosclerosis is a common cause of deafness. It can be congenital or hereditary.

Otosclerosis is a disorder of the middle ear and its ossicular chain. Often inherited, otosclerosis affects more women between the ages of 20 and 40.

This pathology results in a poor quality bone development of the ossicular chain, in particular the stapes.

This metabolic malformation interferes with the transmission of sound to the inner ear. It leads to conductive deafness, or even mixed deafness when it affects the inner ear in the most advanced cases.

Vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders are conditions that affect the vestibule in the inner ear.

This organ, which is central to the management of balance, can be dysregulated and cause chronic disorders such as meniere’s disease.

This vestibular disorder, the best known, is accompanied by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and nausea caused, according to researchers, by a large quantity of endolymph (endolymphatic hydrops).

Sound trauma

Noise trauma is a sudden or prolonged exposure of excessive noise that can lead to hearing loss.


Most of ear infections are generally benign and can be treated very well. They should be treated correctly to avoid any after-effects. Some cases of ear infections that are not treated properly, for example, can have a permanent impact on hearing or even lead to tinnitus. In case of pain or doubt, do not hesitate to consult an ENT or general practitioner.

A hearing test and a consultation with a specialist allow a diagnosis to be made of one’s hearing ability and to rule out or confirm the presence of any ear diseases and to find an appropriate treatment.

The treatment of ear infections generally involves antibiotics and painkillers, but it is recommended to try Calminax first, in many cases it would solve your problems without needs of other medicine.

Calminax Original.