Ear Disorders

What are the main Hearing diseases and disorders?

The human ear and hearing are fragile and prone to developing various conditions other than hearing loss. Some are incurable, others can be cured or corrected.

Hearing disorders

Many hearing disorders can be frustrating or even painful. These disorders can mask serious diseases that need to be treated quickly. Here is a list of the most common hearing diseases that affect the inner and outer ears, their causes and treatments.


Tinnitus can be described as ringing, whistling or pulsating sounds that can be heard in either one or both of the ears. A hearing professional can treat these noises.

Permanent tinnitus is a permanent whistling or buzzing noise heard only by the patient. It usually occurs as a result of an acute sound trauma or accompanies presbycusis.

There is no cure for this condition. There are, however, solutions to relieve tinnitus, such as hearing aids and relaxation therapy.

Find out about good Tinnitus’s treatment: What you need to know about Calminax


Presbycusis refers to the natural wear and tear of the ear, which causes gradual loss in hearing. A hearing aid can improve speech comprehension and slow down the progression of presbycusis.

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease is a condition that causes a gradual decline in hearing. A hearing aid can improve speech comprehension and slow down the progression of presbycusis.

Hearing loss or Hyperacusis

Hyperacusis is a disorder of the auditory system that lowers the threshold of tolerance to sound. It is a loss of hearing. Depending on the intensity, this hypersensitivity can be more or less important or even painful. It can occur suddenly following a sound or psychological trauma, but also following other medical events (head trauma, surgery, facial paralysis ….).

To date, there is no treatment for hyperacusis. However, there are some approaches that can help relieve the symptoms or even reduce the intensity of the symptoms. For example: CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), gradual desensitisation therapy, sophrology or hearing aids.


Otitis, which is inflammation of the inner ear, is a condition that affects infants and young children in particular. To avoid complications, this condition needs to be treated quickly and appropriately.

It can affect different levels of the ear:

  • Otitis externa such as swimmer’s ear which results in pain and inflammation of the external ear canal;
  • Otitis media, which can be both transient acute otitis media and persistent otitis media (with serous otitis and fluid discharge);
  • Internal otitis (labyrinthitis) which is a consequence of poorly treated otitis media or trauma.

Otosclerosis is a common cause of deafness. It can be congenital or hereditary.

Otosclerosis is a disorder of the middle ear and its ossicular chain. Often inherited, otosclerosis affects more women between the ages of 20 and 40.

This pathology results in a poor quality bone development of the ossicular chain, in particular the stapes.

This metabolic malformation interferes with the transmission of sound to the inner ear. It leads to conductive deafness, or even mixed deafness when it affects the inner ear in the most advanced cases.

Vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders are conditions that affect the vestibule in the inner ear.

This organ, which is central to the management of balance, can be dysregulated and cause chronic disorders such as meniere’s disease.

This vestibular disorder, the best known, is accompanied by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and nausea caused, according to researchers, by a large quantity of endolymph (endolymphatic hydrops).

Sound trauma

Noise trauma is a sudden or prolonged exposure of excessive noise that can lead to hearing loss.


Most of ear infections are generally benign and can be treated very well. They should be treated correctly to avoid any after-effects. Some cases of ear infections that are not treated properly, for example, can have a permanent impact on hearing or even lead to tinnitus. In case of pain or doubt, do not hesitate to consult an ENT or general practitioner.

A hearing test and a consultation with a specialist allow a diagnosis to be made of one’s hearing ability and to rule out or confirm the presence of any ear diseases and to find an appropriate treatment.

The treatment of ear infections generally involves antibiotics and painkillers, but it is recommended to try Calminax first, in many cases it would solve your problems without needs of other medicine.

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